Monday, November 10, 2008

Can I vent a little here?

I am sorry to be cranky about all of this Protesting the Passage of Prop 8 - but seriously, could you all have gotten this worked up BEFORE the damn thing passed (and I know many of you did so I am not talking to you)?

Yeah, I am a little tired of the Monday morning quarterbacking on the campaign front, but since I was just co-chair (along with the irrepressible Merrie Schaller) of my county’s local campaign and worked against Prop 8 since the day after I married my spouse (June 21st) I am pissed that it took the passage of damn thing to get people up off their asses and do something in large numbers. I watched people plan weddings and honeymoons and were gone from working on the campaign. Cath and I spent our honeymoon working on the campaign, so others would be able to marry after November 4th - others made a much different choice. We will have a big wedding later on and a fabulous honeymoon, but AFTER we have marriage equality for everyone.

My county had 70% turnout of voters and 71% of those that voted voted No on 8. Now 8 years ago, this county defeated Prop 22 with 59% of vote. We knew that if we did NO local campaign that number would repeat itself, but we also knew that we had to offset in the inland county in votes.

The state campaign focused too much on undecided voters and failed to energize its base. We did both and we were successful. If every county (on the coast) had done what we did - boost turnout among our base with the help of local groups like the unions and local Dems and reach undecided voters, we would have won statewide.

I spent so much time on this campaign (and not nearly enough time too) that I am exhausted, sitting on a couch in my living room with a cold during my first vacation in nine months and just annoyed. I am glad that people are getting involved and nationwide at that, but I don't know when I am going to be able to jump back in again.

Sigh. Maybe it is my turn to take a break, and let someone else carry this burden a little ways.

Hey! Did you see that our president is black? How good is that on top of all the other good things about him (not that he is perfect, but he is really good)?

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