Friday, November 14, 2008

FYI #1

There is no "next" civil rights movement. The civil rights movement began when this country was founded and failed to live up to its creed that all men (now humans) are created equal: by only recognizing one group (white, property-owning men) as having inherent rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Every group that has struggled to accomplish that self-evident truth since the Declaration of Independence was penned is a part of the Civil Rights Movement - for 227 years we have picked up the torch at various parts of the relay race that is this movement, but no group, not one, holds title to the "Civil Rights Movement" (tm).

So my GLBT brothers and sisters - stop describing this struggle as the next civil rights movement, please. Not one of us is free while another is in chains, we fight for freedom of every person, not just for the rights of our own community.

Here endeth the information.

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